Tuesday, April 21, 2009

... yes I write poems too (I don't only write Java and C#)

What If?

What if the sky is not really blue?
What if the person on the mirror is not really you?
Every five years they say...
A known fact becomes hearsay.
If what seems like treasure today…
Turns out to be a shadow overlay
Will you crawl around and wail and weep
Or lay in arms of dearly grip
Do folks who tend you and are there
Know you love them and you care
What if they breathe and live each day
With dimmer gen of your love for them.

©Celestine Ezeokoye, 2009.


Rayo said...

wow, i'm impressed. so its not just codes u write. lyk dis esp 'If what seems like treasure today…
Turns out to be a shadow overlay
Will you crawl around and wail and weep
Or lay in arms of dearly grip'
mad at me? shld see u one of these nyts abi, nd hope u hvnt 4gotn my lappie oh

celestocalculus said...

I've 4goten o! She I will be pursuing u for it ni? Mo n binu si e.

Bomb! said...

Kai...Cele. This poem is really good. Really! I'm impressed.