Saturday, February 28, 2009

--->Taking Control<---

Lately, I made a number of calls to personalities I never imagined I'll have their numbers on my phone. Ok I called MTN Brand Manager, called some Lagos state government officials... all thanks to the role I currently hold at our preparations for 2009 Imagine Cup. Having spent a larger part of this week writing codes for my CSC 306 assignment, creating a lexical analyser, I've not had the time to write a proposal for sponsorship which we were supposed to send to MTN.

Now Lexical Analyser was gone, I sat down to write the proposal. From having very little knowledge of what writing a proposal entails, with Coldplay blasting across my ears, I picked up the pdf I downloaded on proposal writing and the off I went with this wonderful executive summary - Ok the guys at MTN would decide if it's wonderful or not. But sincerely, I never imagined I'll write such an appealing piece, building points from paragraph to paragraph.

Looking back three years ago, before I got into Unilag, I never imagined myself exploding this much in such short period of three years. Last year I went on an eye-opening trip to Paris representing Nigeria in a software challenge. This year I'm at the helm of affairs, handling a team of programmers that would take part in this year's challenge (thanks to helps from Jide), writing proposals, liaising with people in high places... what more. I find myself being in more control of myself. I find myself saying NO to thing I'll ordinarily have said YES to. I find myself taking-up responsibilities and mapping out strategies to get things done. I find myself GROWING UP.

Basically I've learnt the secrets; I’m getting more efficient… Even if all things are not working as planned, I never hold it up against myself; instead I focus on the parts that are currently working and give the “sour grape” excuse for not going after other parts. I’ve learnt to work more for the intangible than for the tangible, for the long run than for what’s coming now-now. I believe that I’ll be in strong control of the future and I’ll be stirring things in the directions I want them to go. I’ve always believed I’ll be there but I never knew the secrets for a long time. Hey prepare for me, you’ll be hearing of me soon!

Exams start next week. I’ve set my goals; hope things work out as planned. I wish myself all the best. Baba God dey my side so me no dey shake one bit.

I better go and start preparing for our Imagine Cup Team meeting. Enough of all these ehm... psyche

Now playing: Coldplay - Lovers In Japan-Reign Of Love
via FoxyTunes

Thursday, February 12, 2009


I keep a very countable number of people really close. Not like I can't extend my friends base but I really want to maintain the count of people I really care about. "Every other person is just an acquaintance", I told one friend. But this close friend stuff might not be that good afterall.

Due to some misunderstanding I had with my closest friend last Friday (I have a female closest friend!), I've restructured my principle on relationship with people. I discovered that familiarity could bring you more insults than good.

Never expect anything from anyone.
If u get anything, fine! If u don't - well u never expected.
Trust people well enough for them to be useful, not more.
Always be positive with people and appreciate them.
Never get too familiar or u'll be less appreciated.
You are the only one who really knows u, so invest in u.


Neck cracking projects:

CSC302: Implement a CPU Register using Java - I'm bustin this one. I av to read flip flops to create a register (registers contain flip flops). Now the assignment is more like "Implement flip flops then use the code to implement a register". 2 in 1. Plus there are diffrent kinds of flip flops and then there are different kinds of registers. I don't av time... really cos no mark is attached.

CSC305: Implement a Parser for any C-type language - HOD's course, compiler construction. 20 marks. Haven't started yet cos of the following two.

Imagine Cup 2009: Complete analysis of System X's architecture - Quite fun but really tasking. Last night I stayed awake all night on this but didn't type a single character on the .docx file. It invites me to a different domain of operation which I couldn't attain last night. Instead I drafted a schedule for the project. I just delegated part of the job to John. I trust he'll be able to handle it (well, hope so).

TestEngine: Samuel's test engine software - Called Samuel to come over and see aw far it has gone when he told me I had to include sessions in the tests. Some restructuring was required - well that's more pay!

I'm working on my effectiveness... My life depends on it!

Now playing: Enya - If I Could Be Where You Are
via FoxyTunes