Coding a lot lately... Actually I'm reading-up on lots of frameworks on the Java platform... iBatis, JUnit, JPA and coding. All for Waltag. Despite my long coding periods, I'm still falling short on my target for the last few days. Lots of distractions, yet I have to beat the milestone for this month. I think I need to do a coding stretch, a code-athon.
The longest time I've spent on the system is 22 hours writing Imagine Cup codes. Ok, I had a few breaks in between. I read of these guys who created Grafight. On their blog, they say they spent 32 hours with no sleep, 8 cups of coffee. Ahn ahn..., why would they not come-up with service that people would kill themselves to use?
With the rate at which this project is going, a code-athon is eminent, 40 hours maybe (I go bend)... I'll get myself a coffee drink (mumsy betta not hear this, lol) and whenever I feel sleepy, I'll just run it down my throat. Then I'll see how far I can go.
Just for those who are wondering what Waltag is; Waltag is a social networking platform targeting students resident in higher institutions. It helps them to quickly share ideas, and to communicate in a special way. It is currently under development and the development process is logged at (though the blog is currently not open to public viewing).